Regd. No. Mum/00201/2501/NA


Don't take your organ to heaven ,heaven knows they need it here.

About Eye Donation

 1) Eye donation is a great donation.
 2) Let your family members know today , your wish to donate eyes.
 3) Eye donation cannot be compared to another donation.
 4) Eye donation is a donation that anyone can make if they have an idea.
 5) Eye donation is a donation made by the deceased seeking the welfare of the living.
 6) Eye donation is the process of instilling brotherhood among the people irrespective of caste and religion.
 7) Death is inevitable for every living being . Donate eyes after death to be an ideal for others .
 8) Eye doctors can not provide sight to some unfortunates.  We can do that with eye donation.
 9) The eye donation you make will make both lives flourish.
 10) It is the social responsibility of all of us to shed light on the lives of fellow human beings through eye donation.
 11) All the rumors circulating about eye donation are meaningless.
 12) Everyone from a 6-month-old baby to a 100-year-old is eligible for an eye donation.
 13) If our family members donate eyes it is a satisfying feeling that the eyes are alive even if the person is not among us.
My dear friends
Who are interested about EYE ORGAN AND BODY DONATION please contact.
GANJI ESWARA LINGAM Founder of Amma Eye Organ and Body donation Promoters Organization. Hyderabad. 9550 89 4940 & 94910 74940. Email. amma
[11/26, 17:13] apteshri: 14) Eye donation helps to enhance the life span of people who have eyesight with our eyes.
 15) Todays your eye donation would become an ideal for future generations.
 16) Give new life as a gift to two unfortunates with eye donation.
 17) Eye donation is a valuable gift that even poor can make.
 18) Do not bury valuable eyes in soil after death.
 19) If an individual donates eyes, that act brings satisfaction to all family members.
 20) Tears of two corneal blinds  can be wiped away by your eye donation.
 21) Donate eyes-give shape to humanity.
 22) we can't measure the happiness of those who got transplanted for cornea of donor of your family . Happiness cannot measured , estimated in the form of either words or money.
 23) If you want to experience the sufferings of corneal blindness, try it blindfolding one day.
 24) Interested in eye donation?  If so immediately discuss it with your family members and relatives.
 25) Under normal circumstances eye donation should be done within six hours after death.
 26) In summer, however, eye collection should be done within four hours.
 27) Irrespective of blood group- Eye donation is only one donation.
 28) The difference between darkness and light is known only through the eye.  Recognize the value of the eye and donate an eye.
 29) Ever one is eligible for eye donation irrespective of eye sight, use of spectacles and eye operation.
 30) People with high blood pressure and diabetes can donate an eye.
 31) All those who died of other cancers except blood cancer, are eligible for eye donation.
 32) Do you have pity, kindness, compassion?  If so, make the decision to become an eye donor.
 33) Due to the small number of eye donors, two corneas collected from one person are being implanted in two blind people.
 34) Eye donation is implemented only after death.
 35) Eye donation is the donation that people make for human beings.
 36) Money can buy a monkey on the hill but not corneas.
 37) If there is only one eye donor , in our family, our whole family will be respected.
 38) There is nothing loss to either the eye donor or his/her family.
39) नेत्रदान के लिए केवल दया का रूप योग्यता पर्याप्त है ।
 40) हमारी मरणोपरांत नेत्रदान से प्राप्त करता को मृत्यु के भय से मुक्ति मिलती है।
 41) आँखेां को मनुष्यों से इकट्ठा किया जा सकता है.. लेकिन कारखानों में नहीं बनाया जाता है।
 42) नेत्र दान में दुखॉद आँसू को खुशी के आँसू में बदलने की शक्ति है।
 43) नेत्रदान मानवता का दूसरा नाम है।
 44) दूसरों को नया जीवन देने के लिए आपका डॉक्टर होना जरूरी नहीं है।  नेत्र दाता हालांकि पर्याप्त है।
 45) जो लोग जीवित रहते हुए नेत्रदान करने का दावा करते हैं, उनमे से केवल दो या तीन ही वास्तव में नेत्रदान करते हैं।
 46) नेत्र बैंक और नेत्र दान केंद्र 24
 घंटे सेवाएं प्रदान करते हैं।
 47) दान वह है जो किसी भी मायने में गैर-पुरस्कृत है।  नेत्रदान इसका एक अच्छा उदाहरण है।
 48) नेत्रदान की संख्या में वृद्धि का मतलब देश में दयालु लोगों की संख्या में वृद्धि है।
 49) यह एक मिथक है कि यदि आप एक आँख दान करते हैं, तो आप अगले जन्म में आँखों के बिना पैदा होंगे।
 50) सभी ईश्वर प्रदत्त अंगों के साथ मृत्यु के बाद ईश्वर तक पहुँचना चाहते हैं तो यह मूर्खतापूर्ण अंधविश्वास है।
My dear friends
Who are interested about EYE ORGAN AND BODY donation please contact.
GANJI ESWARA LINGAM, Founder of Amma Eye Organ and Body Donation Promoters Organization.Hyderabad.
9550 89 4940 & 94910 .